What Is a Luxury Rehab?
For those of us struggling with addiction, the idea of going to rehab can be scary. I didn’t want to give rehab a second thought. I was a chronic alcoholic and didn’t want to think about anything other than getting blackout drunk. Going somewhere where I couldn’t drink was an absolute ‘No!’ It took a long time for me to come to terms with my addiction and to realize I need help. When I finally decided to go to rehab, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible while I worked through my issues. I chose Circle of Hope, one of California’s top luxury rehab centers.
What To Expect at Luxury Rehab?
What can you expect from a luxury rehab? You can expect to be pampered and taken great care of while you recover from your addiction. It’s an uncomfortable process no matter what. If you can go to a place that offers multiple amenities and luxurious living spaces, you will have a good chance of getting through rehab successfully. The amenities included in luxury rehab range from acupuncture to spa treatment. You can expect a wide variety of things to do that will keep your mind off drugs and alcohol. The best luxury rehab centers offer things like gym access, art therapy, beach access, and meditation to name a few.
At Circle of Hope, I was given access to so many amenities I didn’t know what to do next. They did an incredible job of making it feel almost like a vacation. Make no mistake about it. Rehab is not a vacation. It is something that needs to be taken incredibly seriously and requires a lot of work. You can’t expect to go to a luxury rehab facility and have it be all fun. You are going to need to work on a lot of your issues beyond your addiction. It’s not easy, but a good luxury rehab program will make the process as relaxing as possible.
Most luxury drug rehabs are not a solitary experience. You will interact with a lot of other addicts in group and social settings. It’s important to have other people around you who are going through what you’re going through. Going through rehab by yourself is difficult. The ‘Circle’ offers a variety of group programs that will help you work together with others on your sobriety. I met some of the nicest people here and have kept in touch with a lot of these individuals. I have kept in touch with a lot of the great people working at Circle of Hope and they have helped me a lot with aftercare services.
Luxury rehab centers typically offer executive programs for working professionals, so that they can continue to maintain a balance of work and rehabilitation. Oftentimes when you enter rehab, you can’t just ignore all of your prior responsibilities. A lot of these programs will allow you access to your laptop and the internet so you can keep up with what’s going on outside while also continuing to focus on your recovery. Many of these luxury treatment centers will have a personalized approach for each individual. One approach doesn’t always work for everyone. Circle Of Hope did a great job of finding the treatment approach that worked best for me.
Privacy Of Luxury Drug Rehab
There are a lot of mixed feelings associated with addiction. I know that I dealt with a lot of shame and embarrassment regarding my alcoholism. I didn’t want to admit I had a problem for a long time. Once I finally did, I felt exposed. I wanted my recovery to be somewhat private, which is another big reason I chose an exclusive rehab center like Circle of Hope. They did a great job of respecting my privacy and letting me go through the process without too much publicity.
I didn’t want everyone in my life to know that I was going to rehab. I also didn’t want them to know I was attending a fancy rehab center. I felt a bit ashamed that I was going to a high-end drug rehab center. I didn’t need to be judged by others while I was trying to get better. I made a great effort to not make a big deal about it. Going to any rehab is a big deal, but I wanted to go about it my own way. It was important for me to get clean and sober in a private setting. I am a pretty private person in general, so I wanted my recovery to be somewhat exclusive.
Circle of Hope offers the best luxury alcohol rehab in California. I submitted to the program and did whatever I needed to do to succeed. Because I was in such a beautiful facility, it made it easier for me to buckle down and work through my problems. Because I was able to do it discreetly, I could focus all of my energy on getting better. Being able to hit the gym and the beach during the day helped a lot too. Even though it seemed easy at times, I had plenty of moments in rehab where I struggled.
Just because I was in a fancy rehab center didn’t mean it was going to be a cakewalk. I had to work through many of my issues in order to come out sober after all was said and done. I still work on those issues today, but because of my experience at Circle of Hope, I have a better understanding of what makes me tick. I have a pretty good handle on my addiction now because I work on it every day. I don’t forget where I came from. I know that I would be dead if I hadn’t made the huge step to enter recovery.
I come from a family with money. Growing up, I always thought I could throw money at problems, and they would go away. I was taught that financial wealth could overcome anything. Because of that, I was in for a rude awakening as I got older. Once I realized you can’t just buy personal happiness, it sent me on a tailspin. My addiction became worse and worse. I realized that it didn’t matter how well off I was. I didn’t have the skills to fight my addiction, because I assumed my money would solve everything. It took me a while to realize that it took something deeper within myself to get better.
The Cost of Luxury Rehab
The cost of luxury rehab can be a bit more than the usual rehab, but if you want to be as comfortable as possible, I highly recommend doing so if you have the means. There are a lot of situations where luxury rehab is covered by insurance. It’s best to figure this stuff out before you make the decision to attend a luxury treatment center. If you understand how lucky you are to be able to attend luxury rehab, it will help humble you. A lot of people can’t afford to attend even the cheapest of rehabs. A lot of addicts on the street have no recourse whatsoever. It’s very important for you to keep that in mind as you work on your sobriety. If you have it easier than others, you should take advantage of that.
I am thankful for every new day that I remain sober. I don’t take my recovery lightly. I was able to attend the type of private rehab resort that a lot of addicts wouldn’t get to. I try to keep in mind that I had the privilege to attend one of the very best luxury alcohol rehab centers. I don’t drink today because I know what I put into my sobriety. I put in not just a lot of money and time, but a lot of my personal energy. It doesn’t matter that I went to a luxury alcohol rehab. What matters is that I put in the work and the effort that it took for me to get clean.
I talk to addicts from all types of different backgrounds. I used to only associate with other people with money. Now that doesn’t matter to me. If you are a good person, I am glad to call you a friend. Going to meetings regularly has helped keep me grounded. I have met many different addicts at various stages of their recovery. I make it a point to listen to these people and also offer my own advice to whoever wants to hear it. Being open and honest about your struggles will keep you in check.
Addiction affects all of us differently. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your financial situation is. If you have an addiction, you are powerless. You can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t truly want to get better, no luxury drug rehab center will help you. The most important thing is that you want it. A lot of addicts think they want sobriety, but the drug is more powerful than that desire. If you get to a point where the desire to get clean overrides the desire to get high, you are ready to fight your addiction with everything you’ve got!