What Makes a Rehab the Best?
California is a beautiful state with countless outdoor activities and a progressive attitude. It’s no coincidence that so many people from out of state come to California for recovery. The recovery community in California is widespread. How to find the Best Rehabs in California?
The first big step toward going into recovery is choosing the right treatment center. Because there are so many treatment centers in California, you will want to do your research before picking the right one. What makes a rehab the best one? Several factors go into choosing the best rehab for your needs.
When I hit rock bottom, I was living on the streets of Skid Row. Skid Row has a vast homeless population, and as a result of that, there is a lot of substance abuse and mental illness. I was an alcoholic for years before I got to Skid Row. By the time I landed there, I was using more than just alcohol. I was doing whatever I could get my hands on. Crack cocaine started to quickly become my drug of choice. I was robbed one evening while trying to purchase crack and I was beaten pretty badly.
Broken and strung out, I finally decided it was time for me to get help and check myself into one of California’s great recovery centers. After a bit of research, I found that Circle of Hope was consistently voted as one of the top rehabs in California. I arrived at Circle of Hope as a shell of my former self. I was in terrible health, mentally and physically. The initial detox was extremely uncomfortable for me as a chronic alcoholic, but they did a great job of guiding me through the process with patience and compassion.
Alcohol rehab can be a bit different than drug rehab, but Circle of Hope is profoundly great at both. They understand that what works for an alcoholic might not work for a heroin addict. Each substance has its unique features. Addiction is pretty straightforward no matter what substance you are hooked on. No matter what your vice is, you eventually become powerless to it. It’s the only thing that matters. When you are homeless, your addiction is all you hold on to. As someone homeless, I was used to being treated like scum. They treated me the same as everybody else that walked through their doors.
The best rehab centers are the ones that offer individualized programs. Circle of Hope makes it their mission to choose a treatment program that works best for you. A lot of recovery centers will assume all addicts need the same form of treatment. There are so many different people with different addictions. The people at “The Circle” understood what was best for me, and they built a plan for me that they thought was best. As a result, I was as comfortable as I possibly could have been during my stay. In my book, that by far makes them the ‘best rehab in California!’
Choosing A Rehab With The Best Features
The best substance abuse treatment centers feature a wide variety of programs. Circle of Hope offered everything from detox to family therapy. Once you do a little bit of digging, you’ll see that many drug treatment centers in California offer a lot of different programs. Of all the California drug rehab facilities that I looked through, Circle of Hope offered treatment for almost every drug you can imagine. Alcohol, opiates, cocaine, heroin, meth, steroids, the list goes on and on. The variety of substances that they treat easily makes them one of the top substance abuse treatment centers not just in this state, but perhaps the whole country.
I had a lot more to work on in rehab than just my addiction. As I mentioned above, my mental health was in a very bad place. Living on the streets and existing from fix to fix will do a number on your self-worth. Hopelessness is an ordinary, everyday feeling. When you go to treatment, it’s important to work on whatever mental health issues you are having at the same time you work on your addiction. This approach is known as dual diagnosis, and Circle of Hope offers the best dual diagnosis treatment features.
Mental health issues and substance abuse are often co-occurring disorders. It’s hard to fix one without fixing the other. The co-occurring disorder program at Circle of Hope is intensive and thorough. They go out of their way to make sure that you are progressing. If I had gone to a treatment center that just focused on my addiction and my addiction only, I don’t know how well I would have done afterward. My mental health issues most likely would have sent me right back into substance abuse. At Circle, they recognize that danger and do whatever they can to prevent it.
Do the best rehabs in California accept insurance? Some of them may, though some of them may expect you to pay out of pocket. Circle of Hope accepts most insurance, so if you are looking to be covered you’ll have a pretty good chance. You have enough things to be concerned with as you begin the path to sobriety. Having to deal with insurance is probably the last thing on your list. I found the process to be easy and straightforward so that I could focus one hundred percent of my energy on getting better.
You should make a list of the top 10 rehab centers and make a decision from there. Once you come up with a good list, you can start to narrow down which one might work best for you. It can be a difficult process, but you’ve already come this far. Addiction is a more difficult process, and trying to keep your substance abuse in check becomes impossible once you are deep into it. Some people have to go to recovery multiple times before it works. If you are at a place where you truly want it to work, finding the right fit is vital. If you end up choosing a place like Circle of Hope, more likely than not you are going to be taken care of. Take it from someone who was living on the streets.
Getting Better Takes Time
Sobriety is not going to happen overnight. You will have to learn the value of patience as you go through recovery. Once you get familiar with the program and respect the process, you will start to recognize the benefits of self-restraint. I was pretty antsy when I first got to rehab. I was looking at the clock a lot and dragging myself through each day. Once I was there for a week, I realized that I would have to have some patience. The people I met in recovery were pretty upfront with me about the process. It was going to take some time to get better. Once I did get better, it would still take time for me to feel comfortable enough to remain sober.
When you are newly sober, you are going to face some sort of test. Being an alcoholic, I face those tests almost all the time. Alcohol consumption is much more socially acceptable than illicit drug use. When I see people drinking out in public, I sometimes feel the urge to grab one myself. It’s important to build a good network of other sober people that you can call upon when you have moments of weakness. I make myself available whenever one of my peers needs to talk it out. I know the feeling of needing to unload and get things off my chest.
The top drug and alcohol treatment centers aren’t going to sugarcoat anything. They won’t make it seem like they are curing you and you’ll never have issues again. They let you know right away that sobriety is a long journey, and there can be bumps in the road. They let you know that there is a strong chance that you will have cravings and potentially relapse. They also let you know that relapse is not a failure. You don’t have to throw away all your progress because of a relapse. If you slip up, there’s no reason you can’t get back on the wagon.
It’s up to you to decide what will be the best rehab center for you. You should do a bit of looking before coming to a decision. The internet is a great resource for finding the right spot. A quick search of “best rehabs centers near me” or “best rehabs by review” will yield you a lot of results. It takes time to find what will work best for you. This is true of most other things in life. Your time is sensitive when you are looking to get into treatment, so the sooner you make the decision the better. You’ll be glad that you made the jump. Most addicts never get to a point where they consider rehab. If you are considering treatment, you have already made the right move.