Benefits of Young Adult Rehab
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and between the ages of 18 and 30, you should look into drug or alcohol programs for young adults. Young adulthood can be very challenging and many young people find themselves battling substance abuse. Young adult rehab caters specifically to their needs and they are staffed by professionals who understand mental and behavioral problems that young adults face. These experts are well placed to provide them with the tools they need to achieve lasting sobriety.
Young adult treatment is important because even though drug use is an ongoing problem among young people, teens and young adults are less likely to seek help for themselves. Often, they don’t think their behavior is a problem. When they do, they may try to quit on their own, and only when they experience highly negative consequences. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, only ten percent of 12 to 17-year-olds who need treatment get professional help. Many do so at the insistence of parents or guardians.
Treatment centers for young people treat the whole person rather than just the addiction. They also provide amenities and activities that would be suitable for people in their late teens and twenties. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how drug and alcohol addiction affect teens and what happens in young adult rehab centers.
How Drug Use Affects Adolescents and Young Adults
The human brain goes through several changes during the teenage years and into adulthood. Since the parts of the brain that control emotions and impulses aren’t fully developed, adolescents and young adults are more likely to take risks and try new things. They are also more likely to give in to peer pressure. All these factors can lead to substance use and abuse.
Using drugs while the brain is still developing can be especially dangerous since it can interfere with both cognitive and social development. Research shows that heavy marijuana use in teenagers can result in the loss of several IQ points. Even if they stop using in adulthood, that can’t make up for the cognitive loss. This means adolescents and young adults who use drugs or alcohol can change their brains in irreversible ways. One of the changes is an increased susceptibility to addiction.
The adolescent and young adulthood years are usually characterized by lots of pressure. Young people want to fit in, assert their independence, perform well in school, and form new relationships. When mental health issues are involved, this period in their development can be even more challenging. Anxiety, depression, and trauma often push teens towards drug use. While they may get short-term relief from difficult emotions, long-term or heavy use often results in negative consequences, including dependence and addiction.
Effects of Drug and Alcohol Use in Young People
There are also indirect consequences of substance abuse in young people. It leads to high-risk behaviors that can have a long-term impact such as unprotected sex, sexual assault, impaired driving, and violent behavior. Teenagers are especially at risk for drug overdose or alcohol poisoning.
Given the significant impact of teen drug use, early intervention is important. Most teens don’t think they need help and as a result, they don’t get the treatment they need. Both young people and their parents often see drug and alcohol use as a normal part of life.
While not all teens and young people who drink or use drugs develop an addiction, the risk of addiction is greater than for older people. If you or someone you love is showing signs of problematic drug use, you should look into rehab for young adults in California.
Why Young People Use Drugs
Young people often don’t realize how dangerous drugs and alcohol are. They may experiment because:
- They want the thrill of trying something new and seemingly harmless
- They are feeling anxious or concerned about school or work and they want to relieve the stress
- They want to boost their academic, professional, or athletic ability and improve their chances of success
- They want to experience pleasure and euphoria
Even when young people know that addiction and other negative consequences can result from drug use, they often think that won’t happen to them. Some don’t believe that just one use can lead to addiction.
Risk Factors for Addiction
Risk factors for drug and alcohol addiction include:
- Age of first use. The younger an individual is when they start using drugs or alcohol, the more likely it is that they will become addicted.
- Family history. If family members struggle with substance abuse, the higher the risk of addiction in the teen or young adult.
- Exposure and easy access to alcohol and drugs in the home make it more likely that a young person will develop an addiction. Lack of adult supervision and support can also be a contributing factor.
- Mental health. Some teens and young adults start using substances because they have undiagnosed mental health disorders. Bullying, an inability to cope with stressors, and confusion over sexual or gender identity are also risk factors.
Regardless of what drives a young person to use drugs and which factors contribute to their addiction, they need to be treated in a professional setting. By entering a young adult rehab facility, they’ll get the help they need including medical detox when appropriate. Young adult treatment also includes advice and tools on how to avoid relapse and maintain sobriety.
Advantages of Young Adult Rehab Programs
Many of the treatment models that are used for older people can be used in young adult treatment programs. However, some of the specifics may be altered to fit the life experiences of a teenager or young adult.
There are many benefits to entering a rehab program that’s specifically for young adults. These programs cater to the social, behavioral, biological, and environmental issues that 18 to 30-year-olds usually experience. Young adult rehab includes:
- Targeted counseling. In young adult treatment, counselors teach their clients to cope with triggers related to their age group.
- Age-appropriate forms of therapy. Young adult rehab programs often include music, art, meditation, yoga, and other activities that they would enjoy.
- Opportunities to meet sober peers. Many individuals who use drugs hang out with people who do similarly. Rehab provides an opportunity for them to interact with peers who are on a journey towards sobriety. These individuals can help to form their support system.
- Opportunities to develop social skills. Some young people who turn to drugs and alcohol have social phobias and challenges. Others develop social problems because of their substance abuse. In young adult rehab facilities, they can learn the social skills they need to navigate today’s world.
Treatment Approaches for Young Adults
Young adult rehab can take several different forms. A lot depends on the substance the individual used, how long they used it, whether they have a stable home environment, and more. Some young people benefit from intensive residential programs in which they receive round-the-clock medical supervision. Others are able to achieve sobriety with some type of outpatient program. The length of treatment varies depending on the individual’s needs. Regardless of the form the treatment takes, it should help the young person to achieve and maintain their sobriety. Let’s look at some of the common interventions.
Behavioral Therapy
This is a type of addiction treatment that allows young people to recognize how their drug use is affecting their lives and those of others. Since their brains aren’t fully developed, many don’t fully understand how serious their drug problem is. Because they don’t believe they should be in treatment, they have no motivation to change their behavior. Behavioral therapy seeks to change the young person’s attitude and behaviors towards drug use while also improving their coping skills and encouraging positive relationships. They learn how to deal with drug or alcohol cravings and replace their substance use with healthy activities.
Behavioral therapy can include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy. Young people learn how to recognize high-risk situations and the thoughts and feelings that lead to drug or alcohol use as well as how to solve problems and cope with triggers.
- Motivational enhancement therapy. This is used in conjunction with other treatment options to assess the individual’s willingness to seek treatment and then help them to see the benefits of treatment.
- Contingency management. This encourages positive behavior through the use of incentives and rewards.
Family-Based Treatment Approaches
Addiction hurts the entire household and even family members outside the individual’s primary household can be affected. Because of the stigma associated with substance abuse, families often keep the problem to themselves. This can lead to feelings of isolation. It’s important to note that family members don’t cause addiction and they can’t cure it. However, families of people addicted to alcohol or drugs do benefit from professional treatment.
Furthermore, people dealing with addiction often benefit from having their families involved in their treatment. This is especially important for young people and there are several ways in which parents and siblings can be included in the recovery process. Therapists can help all members of the family to improve their communication and work through the challenges they face. Often, family members need help in supporting the teen or young adult in their recovery rather than enabling their substance use.
Recovery Support Services
Detox and rehab aren’t enough to ensure long-term sobriety. Young people need ongoing care after they leave rehab. This can take the form of support groups, sober living homes, and other solutions. They help the individual to stay on track with their sobriety and live a healthy, positive life without dependence on drugs or alcohol. Support services also provide ongoing opportunities for meaningful connections with others.
How to Choose Between Recovery Programs for Young Adults
It can be difficult to choose the right facility. No two rehab centers are the same and they all offer different types of treatment. While it may be tempting to choose the center that’s closest to your home or the one that’s cheapest, there’s a lot more to consider. Some facilities offer simple room and board while others offer a wealth of amenities and activities. You’ll need to determine which services and treatments are most important for you. Participating in a treatment program that caters to your needs considerably improves your chances of long-term success. Some of the questions you should ask include:
- What types of therapy does the facility offer?
- Which types of addictions do they treat?
- Is treatment available for co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder?
- What does a typical day in rehab involve?
- What amenities do they provide?
- How do they prepare clients for life after the facilities?
- What level of aftercare do they provide?
- How much does the program cost?
- Is insurance accepted or can you pay in installments?
Searching for “Young Adult Rehab Near Me”? Contact Circle of Hope.
Circle of Hope is a luxury addiction treatment facility in southern California. We offer recovery programs for young adults struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. We take an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment and we always put the client first. While we cater to people from the Ventura, Westlake, Santa Monica, Thousand Oaks, and Woodland Hills communities, we also help people from across the country.
When a person enters one of our young adult rehab programs, we treat their mind, body, and spirit. We treat each person as an individual and with our 3:1 client to counselor ratio, each person gets the attention they deserve. We also offer a continuum of care which includes supervised detox, residential treatment, outpatient treatment, and aftercare support. If you or a loved one needs help in overcoming substance use problems, reach out to the professional at Circle of Hope to find out if we’re the right facility.