Cocaine detox is something that must occur after being addicted to cocaine. It is the aftereffect of uncontrolled cocaine usage. Typically it leads to cocaine withdrawal symptoms, which lead to negative consequences. Medically supervised detox for cocaine is one of the best options for those who are addicted. It is the safest method and preferred over cold-turkey or at-home detox.
What is Cocaine?
Cocaine is a stimulant drug. It is derived from the coca plant and then mixed with other chemicals. It has been around for centuries and more recently produced to be extremely strong and potent. There are an estimated 14 million people abusing cocaine each year in the United States.
Cocaine is similar to other psychoactive stimulants. It works to increase energy levels, it also tret hunger and stimulates the brain. High doses of Cocaine have been linked to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and negative effects on the brain’s neurotransmitter production. This leads to issues with the norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain. It can cause anxiety and serious heart rate increases.
How Cocaine Affects the Brain
If you were to begin a briefing on cocaine, you would learn that cocaine addiction is known as one of the most difficult and addictive substances. The brain is a pathway called the mesolimbic dopamine system. This is stimulated by drugs because they stimulate dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the “feel-good” hormone. Cocaine ensures that the normal communication of dopamine does not occur. Instead, it binds to the dopamine transporters and blocks dopamine from removal. This eventually leads to euphoria, which causes addiction.
Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal
Withdrawal symptoms that are linked to detox from cocaine are uncomfortable, but not the same as experienced by other drugs. For example, symptoms like vomiting and trembling are not usually experienced but, rather, emotional symptoms are more common. Symptoms of cocaine withdrawal include:
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Concentration Issues
- Nightmares and vivid dreams
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Mood swings
- Hostility
- Paranoia
- Irritability
- Restlessness
Physical symptoms are possible as well, such as body aches and chills, but are known to be mild. Typically the worse feelings are psychological, and they can be very serious. This is why it is important to go to a medical detox center in order to obtain proper psychological treatment.
Understanding the Detox Process
The detox process varies from person to person, but there are a few factors that can affect the cocaine detox phase. For example, these might include the amount of medication consumed, how long it has been abused, the type of drug or quality, as well as each individual’s body chemistry.
Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline
Cocaine has a very short half-life due to cocaine metabolites. Withdrawal symptoms can begin as soon as 90 minutes after the last dose of cocaine and may last up to 7-10 days.
This timeline will be affected by various factors:
- Length of use: Using cocaine for years will increase withdrawal symptoms. They may continue for weeks or even months.
- Size of your doses: If you have used large amounts, you may experience withdrawal symptoms that are more intense as compared to someone who used lower doses.
- Your environment: For those who have used cocaine as a way to escape reality, stress might be a trigger for relapse. This can delay your recovery process if you do relapse.
- Co-occurring mental conditions: For anyone that suffers from dual diagnosis, it can complicate your withdrawal process. This can include co-occurring medical conditions as well.
- Polysubstance dependence: If you have developed a dependence on more than one drug then this can seriously complicate your withdrawal timeline.
The withdrawal symptoms from cocaine go through a few major stages, the crash, cravings, and the extinction stage. Since cocaine will be within your system for around 90 minutes, it means that the withdrawal symptoms can begin at that time as well.
The crash phase should happen immediately following the use of cocaine, following the drug leaving the body. You might experience low moods, low energy, and increased appetite during this period. This is because the drug will no longer be suppressing these feelings. Cravings can be very intense but will be held back by medications for cocaine withdrawals. These cravings typically come on in the second part of the process. They may last for up to 10 weeks, or even longer depending on how long you used the drug.
The last part of the process will begin after 10 weeks of cocaine detox and withdrawal. These cravings may be spontaneous and also can be triggered by different factors in your life. After 30 weeks of treatment, you may notice these cravings going away. It differs based on the person involved.
Treatment for Cocaine Addiction
There are many types of treatments for cocaine addiction, but two main forms: inpatient and outpatient. If you are wondering how to detox from cocaine, you should avoid cocaine detox drinks, a cocaine hair detox or cocaine cleanse. Instead, a coke detox should be done in a facility that can help you with your natural cocaine detox withdrawals. The same can be said for a crack detox. Your crack withdrawals may be painful, and a facility will be of great help to you.
Inpatient Cocaine Detox
Inpatient cocaine detox has proven to show lasting recovery from cocaine addiction as compared to other programs. Inpatient detox programs require to you live in the treatment center. They provide access to a medically assisted detox, which will help to minimize withdrawal symptoms and ensure the process is more comfortable.
When you go through an inpatient medical detox, it is customized to your needs. Natural detox can be dangerous. Instead, medical detox is overseen by a medical professional and will use medication-assisted treatment. These are used to minimize symptoms of withdrawal.
It is good to note that long-term recovery requires much more than simply addressing physical dependence. Especially with cocaine addiction, it is essential that you continue to go to counseling, therapy, and maintain support.
Outpatient Cocaine Detox
The dangers of home cocaine detox are huge when it comes to the risk for relapse. If you are someone who cannot take 30 to 90 days out of their life in order to go to a residential program, outpatient detox may be the best option for you.
Outpatient treatment is when you do not live at a treatment facility. Instead, you will go to the clinic anywhere from two to five times per week. During this time you will go to the clinic and participate in different treatments. In the event you still need to go to work or take care of your family, you will still have the opportunity to do that. Although outpatient treatment is known to not be as successful as inpatient treatment, it is better than detoxing on your own.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Detox
Many facilities offer outpatient detox programs, but it is not the same as inpatient situations. For example, outpatient care is not recommended to go through if you are suffering from severe addiction or long-term abuse. Additionally, if you have health complications you should go to an inpatient detox if possible.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
The co-occurrence of poly-drug abuse and mental disorders is common with cocaine addiction. When this occurs, dual diagnosis treatment is essential. This is the best choice if you wish to recover from cocaine addiction. Going through treatment for your co-occurring mental and physical illnesses is vital to your success.
Dual diagnosis therapy also helps to heal your mind, body, and self as a whole. Going through detox from cocaine can be stressful. Dual diagnosis treatment provides alternative therapeutic options also with classic options. You might consider changes in your diet, sleep and exercise routines, and a healthy lifestyle overall.
Most of the withdrawals symptoms during a cocaine detox are psychological, therefore your recovery will involve both support and medication. In order to get healthy, you need to be receptive to detox, and understand it will not be easy. You also need to be aware that it is an important part of the healing process.
Therapy can be very helpful when it comes to dealing with negative thoughts. By understanding your behavior, you can choose to correct negative choices in your life. For example, there are many processes where you are given rewards, and this can give you more positive energy to work towards your recovery.
Getting Help Today
By continuing your support system through group and individual therapy, you can achieve long-term success. Along with education and family support, you truly can avoid relapse and stay sober for years to come. At Circle of Hope, we can provide you with a high-quality cocaine detox. Contact us today to find a treatment program that is right for you.