Below you will find the FAQ’s (most frequently asked questions) that we receive at Circle of Hope. If you have any additional questions, please contact us and we would be happy to help.
Drug and alcohol treatment centers assist those struggling with substance abuse issues to overcome withdrawal symptoms in a medically supervised setting. Circle of Hope implements medication management to help ease the physical and mental stressors associated with substance abuse. Some detoxes specialize in helping clients with a specific substance abuse addiction; others offer a broader range of drug addiction and alcoholism services. Some facilities are gender or age-specific. There are also two levels of care for addiction treatment in California, inpatient, and outpatient care.
No matter what type of detox center it is, they all share an ultimate goal; to safely get clients through withdrawals. This is most effectively done when proper medications are administered by the medical staff to the clients. There are a variety of comfort medications that can greatly reduce the withdrawal symptoms associated with drug addiction and alcoholism. When a client is comfortable during detox, they are more likely to complete their stay at the facility. With this in mind, we continue our list of FAQ’s:
This forms a core one of our FAQ’s. And the answer is clear: if someone is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they abstain from their substance of choice, then they can benefit from entering a rehab program in California. Most narcotic substances are extremely addictive, both physically and mentally. When someone uses these substances for an extended period of time, they can develop physical and mental dependencies. If a physically dependent individual tries to stop using, they will face a variety of physically painful and mentally draining symptoms. Overcoming these symptoms alone is far from easy and can be life-threatening. If you or a loved one are experiencing these symptoms, please seek professional help from a detox center.
If using drugs or alcohol has caused a lot of negative consequences in your life, a treatment would be the ideal next step for you. It is not rare for people to lose their job, have family issues arise, or find themselves with legal problems when they struggle with drug or alcohol abuse. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, quitting drugs or alcohol without help is not suggested. Please seek out professional help from a rehab center in California.
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse issues and need help, please contact our toll-free line today. One of our staff members is always standing by to help you through this difficult time. We will make sure you are a good candidate for our luxury detox program and from there we begin the admission process. Every day that someone is out there using, they are bringing pain and destruction to their lives. Addiction and alcoholism is matter of life and death for most people, which is why we always strive to get clients in as soon as possible. This important question leads to our last of the FAQ’s, a common concern about the varieties of care at Circle of Hope.
While no two rehabs in California are exactly the same, many of them will have some shared practices. The most important thing a detox center can offer is a medically assisted detox plan. Certain medications can be very beneficial to those struggling and without them, withdrawal symptoms can become unbearable.
There are some centers in California that do not offer medically assisted detox, so make sure to research if a program offers this. There are state-funded detoxes and there are privately owned centers. State-funded detoxes in California often have a waiting list and the level of care is not always up to standards, which is why privately owned detoxes are optimal. There are lower-end private detoxes and there are luxury detoxes like Divine Detox.