5 Amazing Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab

5 Amazing Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab

Many people wonder whether there are any benefits of an inpatient drug rehab over the outpatient program. Nevertheless, there are a plethora of reason to choose the inpatient drug rehab program. Patients who choose this form of treatment normally have a higher success rate compared to their counterparts who opt for the outpatient program. To sort out why, we’ve written a short list of the ‘5 Amazing Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab.’

This success rate is attributed to the fact that the patients have withdrawn from the environment that causes them to use drugs. Ordinarily, when addicts withdraw themselves from the surrounding that causes them to use drugs, it becomes easier to deal with the emotions that cause them to use drugs.

What is Inpatient Drug Rehab?

Inpatients drug rehab plans are the most powerful and involved treatment for drug addiction. The major difference between an inpatient plan and any other drug addiction treatment plan is the compulsory three months residential stay.

Addicts stay at the treatment facilities during the three months. Here they receive intensive therapies every day. In spite of the inpatient plans demanding commitment from the rehab patients, it produces long-lasting and rewarding results. It’s also important to find out if your insurer covers inpatient care, here are some of the criteria used for substance abuse coverage. And the following are some of the benefits of inpatient drug rehab:


Our inpatient drug recovery program offers the patients the freedom to return to the outer world gradually, since some individual who requires an inpatient program may not be able to handle some responsibilities in the outside world full-time yet. Therefore, attending the inpatient treatment program eliminates the likelihoods of temptation to addicts. It’s a foremost reason among the 5 amazing benefits of inpatient drug rehab. Despite addiction being an incurable illness, within the confines of a rehab, it can be managed. In the long run, when patients can identify the reason for drug abuse, they successfully avoid taking them.

Medically Supervised Detox and Care

Supervision is an imperative part of inpatient drug therapy. Most patients who choose the inpatient recovery program are so addicted to drugs that they can hardly control their cravings. Addiction is not a matter of willpower. Therefore, supervision ensures drug-free lifestyle for patients seeking to achieve lasting results.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) Management

The leading cause of relapse among many recovering addicts is the PAWS. This begins instantly after the detox. The symptoms include anxiety, impaired motor skills, depression, and loss of cognitive abilities. This syndrome makes it tough for patients to participate in their therapies. Nonetheless, the inpatient program gives PAWS management a precedence.

Personal Breakthroughs

Addicts mostly use drugs results from deep emotional trauma. Often time they also suffer from co-occurring mental ailments which deteriorate their addictive behaviors. The inpatient recovery program ensures the addicts spend sufficient time with their therapist. Personal breakthroughs occur so frequently, they’re the final of our 5 amazing benefits of inpatient drug rehab, and an important reason to consider this modality. Your therapist in these settings also helps their patients to identify whether they could be having other conditions that might require concurrent treatment and help ensure a more lasting recovery.

Reducing Stress Levels in Substance Abuse Treatment

Rehab therapies such as counseling sessions, group discussions among others may be mentally and emotionally tiresome. However, remaining in the rehab is less stressful for addicts in the inpatient program.

For the three months that they spend in the recovery centers, they do not have to worry about their financial problems, the relationship at homes and their work problems which might have caused them to abuse drugs. Contact us today at Circle of Hope and speak with our compassionate, qualified team of professionals about all our treatment methods, and whether inpatient treatment (or another of our great options) might help you or a loved one to begin your recovery.

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