Tag: recovery from addiction

Alcohol Detox At Home
Alcohol Detox At Home

Alcohol detox is one of the most painful forms of detox that exist among people suffering from substance use disorders. The side effects associated with alcohol detox at home are dangerous and even life-threatening in certain cases. It’s...

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Alcoholic In Denial
Alcoholic In Denial

Drinking alcohol can be a fun activity, but when alcohol begins to be less of a fun activity and more of an addiction, something needs to change. One of the more popular alcoholic denial quotes is, “I don’t have a problem, I just like to have...

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Crystal Meth and Women
Crystal Meth and Women

The American Journal of Public Health notes that severe problems with deliveries in rural areas of the US were due to increased meth use by pregnant women. Women have always been a risk group for meth usage. As one of the most vulnerable...

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How to Increase GABA
How to Increase GABA

How to Increase GABA Levels in the Brain Doctors frequently prescribe Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and other benzodiazepines for people who have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders and other mental health issues. These drugs are usually highly...

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